
…And Love The Bomb

Lets speak for a moment about the atomic bomb. Specifically, a bit about its history. Since this particular weapon is so pivotal in human history, I figured it'd be a good idea to see what happened.

1930s – The Science

It was 33 years since Albert Einstein asserted his famous equation, E=mc2, which implies that mass can be transformed into energy. Two Berlin scientists, performing an experiment with uranium, bombarded the heavy atoms with neutrons and split it. This was nuclear fission. This was transforming mass into energy. This was what would power the first generation of nuclear weapons.

1940s – The Atomic Bomb

In August of 1939, Albert Einstein sent a letter to President Roosevelt expressing concern that the Germans may be developing a weapon that was powered by a nuclear chain reaction. The President agreed that "this requires action". The Manhattan Project begins. There were many challenges involved, including: how to procure enough refined uranium and plutonium, how to begin a chain reaction, and, finally, how to detonate the fuel. These issues were largely worked out by the summer of 1945, when US scientists had created the first nuclear bomb. On 1945 July 16, "Fat Man" was detonated at Alamogordo, New Mexico. The blast was about as powerful as 15,000-20,000 tons of TNT.

Fast forward a few weeks and refocus on the Pacific theatre of World War II. Japan has yet to surrender. President Truman, who "regarded the bomb as a military weapon", issued orders to prepare and deploy three atomic weapons on Japan.

On 1945 August 6, the B-52 "Enola Gay" made a bombing run for Hiroshima, Japan and dropped a 13-kiloton atomic bomb. About 142,000 people died.

On 1945 August 9, the B-29 "No. 77" dropped another atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan. About 75,000 people died.

On 1945 August 14, Japan surrendered. Whether these bombings encouraged Japan's surrender continues to be debated, but the atomic bomb had become a centerpiece of American foreign policy. The US thought it would be another several decades before any other countries could have this power.

Around 1949 August 27, the Soviet Union detonated their own atomic bomb.

1950s – The Hydrogen Bomb

Feeling threatened by the USSR's rapid advancement, President Truman approved research into a new type of weapon on 1950 January 31, the hydrogen bomb. Instead of fission, the hydrogen bomb relied on nuclear fusion, and would be roughly one-thousand times more powerful than current fission bombs.

There were similar questions as with the first atomic bomb: what kind of fuel to use and how to get it, and how to generate enough initial energy to begin the fusion. The decision was to use lithium deuteride as fuel and traditional fission explosives to trigger the fusion. It was the first day of November 1952, on a Pacific islet known as Elugelab, that the first fusion bomb, "Mike", was detonated. The blast was about as powerful as 12,000,000 tons of TNT. It was only nine months later when the Soviet Union detonated their own hydrogen bomb.

On the plus side, nobody died as a result of nuclear explosions. Well, not directly, at any rate.

1960s – Missiles and Submarines

Now that the Soviets had the hydrogen bomb, the new question for the US was how to deliver these bombs. The traditional bombers were relatively slow and easily destroyed by enemy defences. Interest shifted to missiles.

Beginning in 1957, US engineers created newer and newer versions of nuclear ballistic missiles. The first intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) was the Atlas: 85 feet long, 120 tons, and accurate within 5 miles. What followed were continuous improvements with missiles named: Titan, Titan II, and Minuteman. The Minuteman had a range of 6,000 miles and was significantly more accurate. For most intents and purposes, there is no defence for a missile closing in at 9,400 miles per hour.

Alongside ballistic missile research, developments were being made to submarine warfare. In 1956, the submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM), Polaris, was introduced. At only about 28 feet long, this nuclear warhead could be loaded into and fired from a submarine. Further refinements to firepower and distance were made with the Poseidon and Trident missiles.

Starting in 1967, the US started to seriously look into anti-ballistic missile (ABM) defence. Many ideas were developed, including The Safeguard system that would shoot down incoming missiles with its own missiles. However, none of the ideas bore effective fruit. Before any decent solutions could be created, new weapons were being developed that defeated them anyway. For example, the multiple independently targeted reentry vehicle (MIRV) overcame these proposed defences by simply putting a cluster of warheads on each missiles. An ABM system may take out the first warhead, but the others would still make the target. It wasn't until 1973 that the Soviets would test their own MIRV.

1970s – Improved Accuracy and Cheap Uranium

In October of 1973, the Yom Kippur War flared up, resulting in nuclear-armed tension akin to the Cuban Missile Crisis. This encouraged another push into further research. Specifically, improving accuracy. The better a missile's accuracy, the better the destructive power.

Building off of the MIRV, US engineers began work on the maneuverable reentry vehicle (MARV). By adding weights, flaps, sensors, and GPS to the vehicle, it can be guided as it descended on its target.

Next came the cruise missile. These missiles could be launched from just about any type of vehicle and flew relatively low to the ground to avoid radar. Cruise missiles were cheap ($1.4 million each), far-reaching (2,000 miles), and accurate (within 100 feet).

The USSR was, of course, developing the same technology. At this point, only five countries had the technical know-how to develop and deploy nuclear weapons: the US, the USSR, the UK, France, and China. That changed on 1974 May 18, when India detonated their own 12-kiloton nuclear bomb.

The fact that a sixth country detonated a nuclear explosive was not the shocking thing; what shocked the world was the fuel they used. Traditional uranium and plutonium for bombs was created in expensive enrichment facilities. Instead, India reprocessed spent nuclear reactor rods, which contained various forms of the weapons-grade material. As nuclear energy was not uncommon, the cost for other countries to create their own nuclear weapons significantly dropped. By 1977, nine more nations had the bomb: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Israel, Italy, Japan, South Africa, Taiwan, and West Germany. By 1982, twenty-one more joined the club.

1980s – This Book Was Published

Sadly, the history lesson ends here. The book I was reading (see below) was published in 1982, so I don't have any more history close at hand. I'll probably do some more digging, but I think I've had enough writing for now.

"The Bomb" - Sidney Lens


Post-Bomb Secrecy Bonanza

It seems that a lot of the super secret government organizations and procedures that are all the rage nowadays saw their start shortly after the successful deployment of the atomic bomb. The bomb was, well, the bomb-diggity and gave the US a major upper hand in global diplomacy. At least, for a little while. In an effort to ensure this advantage, the government established several new forms of secrecy to keep the enemy always one step behind. Three new measures that are immediately recognizable are as follows:

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

In 1947, the National Security Act was signed by President Truman. One of the things it established was the National Security Council, an intelligence organization for coordinating foreign and domestic policy in the Executive Branch. The operational branch of this organization is the CIA. 

National Security Agency (NSA)

Another executive order, at the behest of the National Security Council, created the NSA on 1952 Nov 4. Its existence was labeled as classified and not acknowledged for another five years. (This was all the book told me, so I did a little further digging to add some meat to this paragraph.) Originally, the various pre-NSA organizations had a messy chain of command. The Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of State, and the Director of Central Intelligence were given the task of of reorganizing these separate groups. The decision was made to bring them together and make them directly subordinate to the Secretary of Defense. It became official on 1952 Oct 24 with a revision to NSCIB No. 9. 

Classified information

Anyone that has ever worked for the US government is probably aware of its information sensitivity scale. This marks information from Confidential, Secret, or all the way up to Top Secret (nowadays, there are even some in between). This came to be via Executive Order 10501, signed by President Eisenhower on 1953 Nov 5. 

"The Bomb" - Sidney Lens
"The Early History of NSA" - George F. Howe

Truman with Newsmen


The Life and Times of Mohammed

Okay, this post is going to sum up what I've learned about Islam's prophet from two books (see below). I read After the Prophet some time ago, but decided to bring it back out since I'm currently reading Destiny Disrupted, which gives Mohammed only about a single chapter. I figure the two of them together should give me a good enough picture.

Mohammed was born sometime around 570 CE. He was born a member of the Quraysh tribe, which was basically the leading group in Mecca. Sadly, both of his parents died while he was young, and he was basically a nobody for quite some time.

At 25, Mohammed was hired by a well-to-do businesswoman, Khadija. In a relationship that would totally work nowadays, boss and employee fell in love and married. This turned out to be pretty handy. After Mohammed was first visited by the angel Gabriel, Khadija was the first person to believe him. Until Khadija's death he never married another woman.

After a while, Mohammed received more revelations. Things along the lines of: there is only one God, give up immoral vices, help the poor, &c. He started to take this message public and gathered some followers. Several of these followers will be important later: Abu Bakr, Omar, Othman, and Ali.

Mecca's leadership did not like this one bit. They had built up a big religious tourism industry around various idols and gods. They decided this loudmouth had to be eliminated. The assassination was set for an evening in September, 622 CE. Mohammed found out about the plot and evacuated to Yathrib (later named Medina).

This flee from Mecca, called the Hijra, was kind of a big deal. It marks year 0 on the Muslim calendar. It's so big because it's considered the start of the Umma, or the Muslim community. Members would abandon their tribes and clans and become one with the Umma. They would live together in peace and all would be cared for.

Mecca wasn't done with Mohammed yet, though. After the Hijra, there were several battles that tried to eliminate Mohammed. They didn't succeed and, after a while, they basically gave up. A few years later, after a dream, Mohammed decided it was time to return to Mecca. So he did. Eventually, the elders of Mecca gave up the city and it rolled into the Umma.

One of the first things Mohammed did in Mecca was rededicate the Kaaba. Originally, this big black box was a tourist attraction that housed various local idols. Not anymore. The idols were destroyed and Mohammed declared it the most sacred place (supposedly, it was built by Abraham himself). The tourism industry in Mecca is still doing fine to this day.

Twenty-five years after their marriage, Khadija died. Mohammed married nine times after this for political reasons, but his favourite wife was the young firebrand Aisha. That's another name to remember, since it will be important later and on the test.

It was in Aisha's company that Mohammed would die of illness at the age of 63.


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